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Since the start of the pandemic, the idea that we can pop a pill to boost our immune system started exploding. As the Covid-19 pandemic got worse and worse, the idea grew and grew – and it felt like products to boost our immune system were suddenly EVERYWHERE. Nowhere was this more evident than on social media; a glut of “influencers” in yoga poses at the beach or in a forest could be seen next to a supplement with the hashtag #immunebooster. In fact, since the start of the pandemic – sales of zinc have more than doubled…and elderberry? Quadrupled!!!!

Taking certain supplements such as vitamin C and D have scientifically proven beneficial in reducing our chances of getting colds and flu viruses and even helping people recover quicker. One thing that really stands out that can help boost the immune system is….EXERCISE!!

A recent study carried out by immune ageing researcher Niharika Duggal and her team measured the positive effects exercise can have on the immune system. They took a group of older avid cyclists (the oldest being 80) who, on average, each cycle more than 400 miles (700km) a month.

Niharika and her colleagues took blood samples from the group and blood from adults of all ages who weren’t particularly active. She then compared them and what she found was startling. The team discovered that the older people’s immune system was even better than that of young people.

What’s the science?

So how does going cycling protect you from a virus?? White blood cells fight infections. These immune cells swim around our bodies, ready to fight and kill invaders. Most of the time, however, these immune cells are just hanging out in our organs. But when you get moving vigorously… this all changes …your body starts churning out proteins that act a little like traffic policemen telling the immune cells where to go and what to do. They push the billions of immune cells out into the body on high alert, ready to fight off any infections.

This is especially important as we age because as we get older, the immune system, like the rest of our bodies, can become run down. But the study found that regular vigorous exercise, i.e. cycling, can in effect turn the clock back, reversing the effects of ageing on our immune systems.

Most importantly, it’s never too late to start. Most of us don’t have the stamina to cycle 400 miles a month, and this is where the magic of an e-bike comes in. With the pedal assist, you get that little bit of extra help; other studies have shown that electric bikes can provide much of the cardiovascular health benefits that conventional bikes offer. At Electric Bike Sales, we have a massive selection of e-bikes, from Full-Sus professional mountain bikes to low maintenance comfort bikes. We stock road racers and long-distance trekking bikes. Please CONTACT US, and our friendly team will help you find the bike just right for you.

See the study HERE